Even though it is slums we are talking about, and we know how terrible the conditions are, still there's always some surprises (negative ones unfortunately). Specifically in Mumbai, it is surprising that big portion of the people living in the slums do not have access to city services, they do not have enough water even thought the city itself is surrounded by water, more then half of the population of Mumbai lives in slums (around 55%), most of the residents do not have toilets and have to pay for public toilets...
In the 1800s, westward expansion brought settlers and their livestock into direct contact with native predator and prey species. Much of the wolves’ prey base was destroyed as agriculture flourished. With the prey base removed, wolves began to prey on domestic stock, which resulted in humans eliminating wolves from most of their historical range. Predator control, including poisoning, was practiced here in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Other predators such as bears, cougars, and coyotes were also killed to protect livestock and “more desirable” wildlife species, such as deer and elk.
Building a house on a cliff is a very trick thing. The cliffs usually are not composed of hard rocks, but instead are usually composed of sedimentary rocks which are much softer and less stable on the long run. The cliffs are also exposed to heavy erosion, in the lower parts because of the waves, in the higher parts because of the winds. The erosion makes the cliffs slowly fall apart, and occasionally even crumble down, so a builder that would build a house on a cliff should be wary of all these things and construct the house where it is the safest for the long run.
The Colorado River (that is The lost river) proceeds from Rocky mountains into the Gulf of Calfornia. At the US & Mexico border, the Colorado river deflects into the farmland & orchards of different states of USA eldorado valley and other smaller basins.
After eight weeks of running through its delta, the fresh waters of the Colorado River meets the high tides of the briny sea.
Colorado’s nutrient-rich freshwater used to mixed with the Upper Gulf’s salty tides to create the perfect water chemistry and nursery grounds various water creatures of great commercial and cultural importance to the region, this was prior to the construction of big dams and diversions of the 20th century.