c. Bandura
Albert Bandura is a Social Cognitive Psychologist who is best known for his pioneering work Social Learning Theory, the concept of self-efficacy and he was best known for his Bobo Doll experiment, Observational learning, Social learning, and Self-Efficacy.
- Rollo May
- Abraham Maslow
- Carls rogers
These three were humanistic psychologist best known for their work
On what platform do you use
B. Public opinion does not make public policy; rather, it restrains government officials from making truly unpopular actions/laws.
C. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens' interests. There are two special rights only for U.S. citizens: voting in federal elections and running for federal office.
<span>Unethical behavior is not conforming to a set of approved standards of behavior.
This behavior is considered as not moral or proper, because it is not part of the
</span>moral principles that govern a person's behavior, referred to as ethics. The principles can be for <span>person, certain group, a profession, industry, business </span>
Examples of unethical behavior among individual can include lying,cheating.
Examples of unethical behavior among business on the other hand may include r<span>eleasing toxins into the air.</span>
b. Strom Thurmond.
Strom Thurmond was a United States politician and Senator. He was from South Carolina and served in the Congress for 48years.
He was known to run for presidency in 1948 as the Dixiecrat candidate which was a States Rights platform in support of racial segregation. He was against the integration of public schools in South Carolina.