After break down food may be used in the body to provide energy, as building blocks for tissue and cells, and can be stored for future use.
The body uses food for energy, for growth by making new cells and repairing or replacing tissues, may be stored by converting it into glycogen or fat before they can be stored. The main types of foods are carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
It takes place in small things called chloroplast which have chlorophyll
The effect of the climate change has a greater one with the crab population.
According to scientists , water occupies up to 60 % of the human body .
The importance of water in the human body are ;
- Transport
- Formation of bodily fluids i.e. saliva
- Digestion
- Regulates body temperatures
- Circulation of nutrients
The reason why it is important to maintain good fluid balance within and without he cells is because , It can dissolve various elements to make then easily absorbed into other system .There are many fluids which rely on water for volume e.g. blood which is the main component of the circulatory systems , water also regulates the temperature and heart pressure ,
Through electrolysis , fluid balance in the cells can be achieved and it also helps to generate nerve impulses .
Biome- A group of ecosystems with similar climate, vegetation, and wildlife
Ecosystem- All living and nonliving things in an area
Organism- A complete living thing
Community- All living things in a particular area
Population- A group of organisms of the same species in an area