The supply of their art work usually ups in price, If the artist is very good than their art will become very valuable.
Hope this helps?!
Like a ghost- simile. Like a winding snake- simile. Ding dong- onomatopoeia. Like ice- simile.
Doodle (the baby) is treated in ironic way in many situations in the play "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst. For example, when he is born his mother ask for the building of a coffin for him. This is rare because no mother expects his baby dies. Since the baby does not die, the coffin is stored. Another example of irnony is that "Brother" expects Doodle to learn how to walk and talk before he could be able to do it. Brother thinks this is a way to help his little brother but in the process he pushes Doodle so hard that the young boy dies.
The big irony is that when they expected the baby dies he lived and when Doodle is forced to perform the above mentioned activities, he dies. Probably Doodle would have lived longer if everyone accepted him as he was.
✔- every employment was closed to me, except those of the teacher, seamstress, and the housekeeper. In education, in religion, in everything is the lot of the woman.
✔ Now there are women ministers, east and west, all over the country.
The above are the two purposes of the two excerpts.
In the first excerpt, Lucy Stone points out what women are passing through. She points out the disappointment that many women are passing through. They were not allowed to get meaningful job in the country.
In the second excerpt, the same speaker was able to reveal the progress that was made after 50 years. It was discovered that women began to take up positions.