Towards the end of the 1780s Tecumseh, together with his brother Elskwatawa or Tenskwatawa, who was called "the prophet", created an alliance of the native peoples against the expansion of the American colonists in the territories of the great lakes, north of the Midwest and the Ohio River Valley. The alliance suffered some changes over time, but was formed by several important Indian peoples.
In September 1809, William Henry Harrison, governor of the newly formed Indiana Territory, negotiated the Fort Wayne Treaty in which a delegation of Indians yielded 3 million acres (12,000 km²) of Native American territory to the government of the United States. U.S. The negotiations of the treaty were questionable since they did not have the support of the then US President James Madison, and involved what some historians have compared with a bribe, consisting of the offer of large subsidies to the tribes and chiefs involved, and the previous distribution, among the indigenous participants, of copious amounts of liquor before the negotiations to "dispose the temperaments" to them.
Tecumseh's opposition to the landmark Fort Wayne Treaty marked the emergence of the Shawnee warrior as an outstanding leader and earned him the respect of several tribes. Although Tecumseh and his people, the Shawnees had no claim to the land sold, the indigenous leader was alarmed by the massive sale, since many of the followers who accompanied him in his capital Prophetstown ("Town of the Prophet"), belonged to the tribes Piankeshaw, Kikapú and Wea, which were habitual moradores of the tramposamente negotiated land. As an argument, Tecumseh revived an idea exposed in previous years by the Shawnee leader, Blue Jacket, and by the Mohawk leader, Joseph Brant, according to which Indian land was common property of all tribes, and no fraction of it could be sold. without the consent of all, or only by decision of a few.
Even though Imperialism has been lessened to an extent, is still strong today. Fueled by an industrial revolution, Imperialism thrived during the 19th century. Shaping the modern world through partitions and wars, Imperialism quenched the thirst for wealth sought by the western world. As imperialism is a direct effect of industrialization, it must come with all the negative effects if industrialization. Though improvements such as irrigation systems and roads were developed, the famine, disease, and war due to Western Imperialism far outweighed the positive effects of industrializing. Beginning with the renaissance in Italy during the 17th century and ending with the reign of Napoleon the First, nationalism had been waiting to pop out of its paradigm shell. The spread of enlightenment ideals throughout Europe brought a liberal swing. People began to call for a more equal society, with a higher standard of living. Napoleons empire built a since of unity in Europe, causing the birth of nationalism, as in England and Germany. This since of nationalism brought forth economic competition between rivaling countries. The Industrial Revolution began in the early 1700's with the invention of the steam engine. Fueled by a recent agricultural revolution, England was the first to Industrialize. With the creation of the steam engine, large factories began springing up, attracting workers and thereby creating small industrialized towns such as Manchester and Brighton. The Agricultural Revolution helped provide a large population, filling the factories' needs for workers. But with these towns there became a serous problem of over crowding in the cities. There were many good and bad effects of the Industrial
I will give my best shot. I think they justified their reason to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires in the name of their religion, christianity
The steam engine is one of them..