<em>Before</em> the Jews were called Israelites, they were known as Hebrews. Abraham received promisses from God, that from him God would create a great nation, to whom He will reveal His <em>statutes</em> and give a place where they could live and serve Him, being an example to other nations of the true way of worhipping God. But before the possession of their land, many things happened: they became slaves in Egypt, travelled for 40 years in the wilderness etc.
He trained rats in the correct route through a maze,then deliberately damaged their brains and observed that this did not inhibit their progress through the maze.
A) The US feared European aggression would harm Americans!
I think the answer will be D?
hat depends on the context, if your speaking about the colonization of when the pilgrams came then it started from the East Coast of what is today the United States and slowly worked its way West. In the beginning of the colonization 13 states were made on the East and the Native Americans had the entire west coast. Eventually more states were added as the colonials pushed further West, Their belief was in "Manifest Destiny" which was the belief that the Americans had the Right to move further west and colonize because it was Gods will. good luck hopefully this helps you