Paraphrasing is the act of rewording, revising, simplifying and expressing the text in your own words with additional clarity. Note that condensing the text to a shorter form should not be in your interests because that would be summarizing, not paraphrasing. Check this out:
Come capture
California's cityscape and let us cater to your cravings!
California beautiful
countryside comprises of the famed and celebrated Oregon Trail. Just bring a
few resources, a wagon, plenty of water and you could strike it rich!
"Rich? What do you mean by rich?" Well, California is a complete
goldmine! We offer affordable land in abundance which complements our cluster
of gold! We even have friendly encounters with Native Americans every once and
while! Our Chinese migrants are constructing a railroad and sculpting
California into charming residence for you! Come join us and let's make
California the cultivating and captivating home it could be!
Hope this is catchy enough. c;
A). The party leader.
a U.S. president whose management of international relations strikes many in the political establishment as dangerous and contrary to the U.S. national interest.
The Lewis And Clark Expedition's goal was the explore the new land to the west. One of there other goals was the find a waterway that stretched from the east side of the US to the other side, also known as Sea to Shining Sea.