Answer: The speed of the earth as it travels around the sun is 67,000 m / ph (107,000 km / h).
The orbit around the sun forms an ellipse and it takes approximately 365.25 days to fully around the orbit, because of that on earth the seasons are experienced throughout the year, as the earth recedes or gets closer to the sun. In addition to the orbit around the sun, the earth rotates on its own axis in about 24 hours giving rise to day and night.
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Explanation below
Asia and the Pacific region have continued to remain the world's largest producer of fish. Various researchers have identified certain benefits of consuming seafood, which have caused greater demand for them. Apart from being ideal source of vitamins, fish is also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which can help prevent high blood pressure, cancer and heart diseases. Seafood also strengthen the immune system through their antioxidants.
Rapid advances in fishing technology have led to the dramatic increase over the last 50 years in how many fish we are able to catch. Most people in the fishing business now use factory ships, in place of fishing vessels. These ships are can stay at the sea for several weeks and they have all the necessary equipment that can be used to either freeze of tin fish that they catch using their hunting ships.
The factory ships need to get full before they can return to base and this has caused over a 7% growth in catches every year.
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