As Thomas Jefferson said, "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time; no King holds the right of liberty in his hands." The great writer, Rudyard Kipling, wrote of them, that "There in the Southland of the United States of America, lives the greatest fighting breed of man in all the world!"
Hey chris I dont mean to bother you but it seems you have my cassette recorder and I really need it , you see I want to be in the schools talent show and playing the Cassette recorder is my passion so please give it back to me later on today so I can begin practicing - your friend the Cassette Player
No, if it will seem like the government is making us sacrifice around right to bare arms
This question is about the article "What is Freedom?" by Jerald M. Jellison and John H. Harvey
Answer and Explanation:
1. The authors conclude that freedom means, for people, the ability to make choices. That's because they are always defining freedom as the ability to make their own decisions, to go where they want, to do what they are planning, to think for themselves, to make their own decisions, among other things always related to choices.
2. An example of denial is presented in the text, when the authors show that even though people see freedom as the ability to make choices, they do not feel free, when the options of choice are not attractive and do not seem to benefit by feeling so oppressed and forced to choose something bad. With that, we can conclude that people reframe the sense of freedom and affirm that bad feelings and negative effects are not freedoms.