RESTS are intervals of silence in pieces of music, marked by symbols indicating the length of the pause
A type of homophony in which all voices move together in the same rhythm is called Homorhythm.
A type of homophony that employs the same rhythms across all the voices or parts. when used with text, the words are the same in all voices and pass together in the equal rhythm and often called chordal declamation. this is a device nevertheless used today in hymns.
Homorhythm is a sort of homophonic texture in which all voices flow in an extremely similar or completely unison rhythm. that is most often visible in chorale-like compositions, wherein the melody and harmonies move together in block chords .In track, homorhythm (also homometer) is a texture having a "similarity of rhythm in all components" or "very similar rhythm" as might be used in simple hymn or chorale settings. Homorhythm is a situation of homophony. All voices sing the equal rhythm. This texture effects in a homophonic texture, which is a blocked chordal texture. Homorhythmic texture delivers lyrics with clarity and emphasis. Texture in which parts have special rhythms is heterorythmic or heterometric.
Learn more about Homorhythm here:-
Stay current on all aspects of music theory with Music Theory Spectrum, the official print journal of the Society for Music Theory. The journal includes feature articles and book reviews on all topics that intersect with music theory and analysis, such as aesthetics, the history of theory, linear analysis, atonal theory, networks, and narratology. Periodic special issues encourage contributors to delve deeply into one area of musical study. Published twice yearly, Music Theory Spectrum maintains the highest standards of acceptance and is recognized as one of the foremost journals in the field.
They portray human relationships to nature.
Basically, He is absolutely known for his scene compositions and his rural landscapes are notable because it is useful in explaining the changing definition of nature during the industrial revolution and later in the century this would become the primary subject of the Impressionists. Constable solicited a great measure of certainty in many classes and in fact, he was the first artist we know of who studied meteorology so that the clouds and the mysterious conditions that he performed were reliably precise