The major problem in The Tale of Despereaux is the unfriendly relationship between the mice, the rats and the humans. Roscuro the rat caused the death of the Queen which forced the King to outlaw all rats.
Immigrants face the challenge of being judged. Each day, an immigrant gets stares and rude comments. An immigrant has to grow accustomed to this after being treated this way for so long. When their asked a question, people judge them for their accents or how horribly they speak the language to the place we immigrated to. When they try keeping their culture with them people judge them then. Asking them why they do foolish acts. When going to public places, some people protest against the. How are they supposed to react when someone holds up a sign telling them to leave their country?
The police throw tear gas; The Hate U Give was one of my favorite books to read. :-)
A buisness has every right to deny a person from entering their establishment if they do not have on the appropriate protection on during a pandemic. Wearing a mask not only puts other peoples lives at risk, but also your life. Laws have been enforced where masks are permitted to be worn when in public or surrounded by groups of people. if you are caught not wearing a mask, you will get find and possibly arrested. Businesses have every right to kick you out of their establish because they are only trying to protect civilians from the horrifying virus.
honor and hatred. love and death. family and hatred.