The impact Mama's decision to give the quilts to Maggie has on the development of the plot of "Everyday Use" is the Dee wants to keep the quilts to appreciate for "her heritage" but Maggie wants to use it as its purpose. This led to Dee believing that Maggie can’t appreciate the quilts just as how she sees them, and she thought that the quilt will be put to “everyday use” by Maggie and within 5 years or so, the quilt will turn into a rag.
The impact Mama's decision to give the quilts to Maggie has on the development of the plot of "Everyday Use" is the Dee wants to keep the quilts to appreciate for "her heritage" but Maggie wants to use it as its purpose. This led to Dee believing that Maggie can’t appreciate the quilts just as how she sees them, and she thought that the quilt will be put to “everyday use” by Maggie and within 5 years or so, the quilt will turn into a rag.
Knowing that you can move on to something without having you focus on the thin or person you need to forgive. So forgive but never forget that's responsibility.
when the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) under Foday Sankoh, with support of Liberian rebel leader Charles Taylor and his group, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NFPL), attempted to overthrow the government of Sierra Leonean President Joseph Momah.