I’m gonna have to say A. Details
I believe that Faustus originally asked Mephastophilis to bring him Helen of Troy because he lusted after Helen and wanted to possess her.
Helen is the symbol of ultimate beauty, and his hedonistic side wanted to indulge his more primal needs.
1)Ethos-using credibility to prove a point of view(ex. if you're a doctor someone is more willing to take health advice from you)
2)Logos-Using logic or facts to prove an argument(ex. A study done in___ says... or statistics say...)
3)Pathos-Using the emotion of your audience to your advantage(ex. the homeless dog/animal commercials that come on and use your emotions of feeling bad to get you to want to adopt)
4) it's important because knowing them will help you orve a point more effectively, this helps you in life with any argument you may have to make including if you ever become president for example to get votes