Microfinance is a model being applied in developing nations as a means of boosting local economies, with hopes of growing the global market.
✓1. There are 2 billion people around the world who do not have a bank account, or lack the technology they need to access a financial institution, over 50 percent of which cite that their primary reason for not having a bank account is not having enough money.
✓2. Microfinance institutions grant small business loans to individuals who would otherwise be unable to utilize a traditional bank services.
✓3. They can also provide forms of insurance and savings accounts.
✓4. An estimated 500 million individuals worldwide have received microfinance services,
✓5. many are women from rural regions, accounting for 84 percent of microfinance borrowers in 2016
Creating waterways made it easier and faster to travel and transport goods; they also helped more towns develop and grow. ... How did land and water transportation affect westward expansion? Roads, canals, and steamships made it easier and cheaper to transport and ship goods
The heavy sense of dictatorship and memories of the 1980s made Syrians think the wave of change in the region would never come to their country.
But it did happen. At first, people were surprised, but above all shocked that their government would fire on peaceful protesters in Deraa. Every day, the death toll increased and in reaction more people took to the street.
The movement started as protests calling for more freedom and dignity. The way the government handled the events since those first days drove more and more people to oppose President Bashar al-Assad.
At first, no-one was calling for the regime to fall. Many people had hopes that the young president would respond to their calls and punish those of the security forces who killed innocent civilians.
But the wave of killings and arrests, torture and humiliation targeting people who were not even involved in the demonstrations drove many who steered clear of politics to join the protest movement.
further expands on the direct confrontations of colonialism by stating, “[T]he impacts of colonialism were similar, regardless of the specific colonizer: disease; destruction of indigenous social, political, and economic structures; repression; exploitation; land displacement; and land degradation”