A producer is someone who creates and supplies goods or services.
First of all, we should know that domain specific words are those are low frequency and content-specific. So, in this sentence we know that the topic being discussed is a restaurant, so domain-specific words will be those that are used frequently in relation to restaurants.
These are: hostess, waiter, menu
Once there was a greedy boy in a village. He always wanted to have more food and fruits. One day, hw was hungry and moved here and there is search of food in the house. Hw met a jar full of nuts. He wanted to have them. The neck of jar was very narrow. Hw opened his hand and kept his hand into the jar. After putting his hand in the jar, he tried to take the handful nuts. He tried to put his hand out of the jar but couldn't because it was full of nuts. He couldn't realize that the neck of jar was very narrow. He got hurried because he wanted to have some before his mother came. But unfortunately, his mother arrived immediately. He got afraid as he saw her. He was also scared that his hands were trapped. He started crying. She watched him deeply and told him not to cry. She explained him the reason. He understood why he couldn't keep his hand out of the jar. He followed the instructions given by his mother and kept his hand out of the jar. Finally, he realized his mistake.
Moral: Greed causes suffering
specific bacteria metabolize sweat to produce an aroma or scent that results from warm temperatures, stress or physical effort.
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*please treat people with kindness, wear a mask, and have a lovely day.