Ejemplos de fuerzas
En la naturaleza, las fuerzas fundamentales son la gravedad, la fuerza nuclear débil, la fuerza nuclear fuerte, la fuerza electromagnética y la fuerza residual. La fuerza fuerte es lo que mantiene unidos protones y neutrones en el núcleo atómico.
The sediments that is composed of mineral grains that are
eroded from the continental rocks is called terrigenous. The terrigenous
sediments are obtained from the erosion of rocks that occurs on land and that
they are being stored in the submarine canyons.
These countries are found all over the world.
Russia is in Asia.
Canada is in North America.
China is in Asia.
US is in North America.
Brazil is in South America.
Australia is in Oceania.
India is in Asia.
Argentina is in South America.
Kazakhstan is in Asia.
Sudan is in Africa.
South Africa is in Africa.
Japan is in Asia.
Germany is in Europe.
UK is in Europe.
Jamaica is in North America (or the Caribbean)
Picture please ? So I can see how to answer this