B The appointed day arrived; the king and his court were in their places.
A semicolon is used to join two independent clauses. These independent clauses may even function as complete sentences. The independent clauses must be closely related in thought. An independent clause refers to any group of words containing both a subject and a predicate.
Hence, looking at the sentence, The appointed day arrived; the king and his court were in their places.
"The appointed day arrived" as well as "the king and his court were in their places" are both independent clauses that are closely related in thought.
Hence, the correct use of the semicolon is in this sentence.
"A World of Heroes" is an anthology of famous Greek short stories written in their original language, ancient Greek. The short stories presented in this anthology are authored by the greatest authorities in relation to classical Greek literature, they are Homer, Herodotus and Sophocles.
The book is a complete and well-written source for lovers of literature, students of classical Greek, students of classical studies and students of Greek history, as the book has rich footnotes that explain cultural and religious concepts related to Greek culture and gifts within short stories.
The book has famous and influential short stories to this day, such as the battle of Thermopylai, the Stories of Herodotus, the death of Hektor, the Iliad, the fall of Oedipus, among others.
Mom wanted me to set up the Christmas tree for her.
My last answer was deleted for being pointless, but I had to add more letters for the correct, succinct answer to be published. The right answer is "a sentence".