Voter registration. To vote in Arizona, one must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of an Arizona county. A voter must be 18 years or older on or before Election Day. To be eligible to vote in an election one must register at least 29 days prior to the election.
Yes , Any dispute about which is more powerful -- the federal government or the states -- was settled in 1789 when the Constitution granted the federal government the right to collect taxes, regulate interstate commerce, raise an army and adjudicate legal disputes between states.States, or alliances of states, have attempted to nullify federal power, but the federal government has eventually prevailed, although in the case of Southern slavery, it took a four-year war for the federal government to do so. Beyond that, states have served as pockets of resistance or innovation, attempting to weaken federal laws, or to advance new legislation that the federal government is not yet ready to consider.
Hope this helps
The Archeologists new the legacy of poverty point by the characteristics of artifacts and the nonlocal rocks used to make them. Remember the Poverty Point culture is an archeological picture of some Mississippi Valley people who lived around 1730 B.C.
Octavius caesar, better known as Augustus