They are repressed of their natural rights and civil liberties
The most important result of the Spanish American war was that it set up a colonial empire for the U.S. and set the U.S. on the road to empire.
During the Spanish American War the United states emerged as a world power as a result of victory over Spain. The United states emerged as a world power, it gained possession of the Phillippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
Sample response: America is very different than it was over one-hundred fifty years ago when the Black Codes were passed in the South. Since then, there have been major legislative overhauls against discrimination and towards equal civil rights. A cursory look at the modern day United States illuminates many of the major differences. Many colleges have increased minority enrollments, interracial marriages are legal, and minorities have increased their presence and visibility in politics. Additionally, most overt racist policies, mostly relating to separate but equal facilities and opportunities, have been removed to allow minorities greater social and professional mobility.
I think D and B is the correct answers.