Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress did not have the authority to force citizens to join the army.The central government had to get permission from the states if it wanted to get any people to join the army.
The correct answer is - Mickey Mouse.
Mickey Mouse, in Italy known as Topolino (meaning little mouse), was the only cartoon not banned in Italy by Mussolini in 1938. This is was due because all of his family members loved the cartoon very much, so he left it to be published freely. This was until 1942 when he was not able to justify anymore the publishing of a cartoon from a country that Italy is in war with, so it was banned, but the tradition continued with an Italian version of Mickey Mouse, called Tuffolino.
A localist reaction against Chinese immigration, which contributed a large number of workers who were mainly employed on the west coast of the United States.
At the end of the 1840s, gold was discovered in California, which caused a great movement of people who came with the hope of obtaining great economic benefits. Many immigrants arrived from China.
In 1873, the New York bank Jay Cooke and Company went bankrupt, causing a financial crisis that hit California economically.
In the 1880s, the estimated number of Chinese in California was 100,000.
In this climate of economic uncertainty, white workers blamed the Chinese for representing unfair competition, since they often accepted jobs for a low payment. The Chinese population began to suffer many acts of violence.
The Chinese exclusion act of 1882 suspended the immigration of Chinese for 10 years.
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A The Big Bang stated 10 billion years ago. And several billion of years before the other events. The Big Bang created the Universe.
True, if the number of prey decreases, the predators will have nothing left to eat and will slowly starve.