Where one achieves the goal that has been set for them.
Here are the answers to the given questions above:
17. The extreme poverty of Dakar, Senegal, in “Hip-Hop Planet” is best reflected in this image: <span> “. . . they take every bit of . . .the half-eaten bread, rice, pieces of chicken, the chicken bones. . . to give to the children in the village.” The answer would be option C.
18. T</span>he author of “Hip-Hop Planet” describes the legend of the Great Rock of Toubab Dialaw in order to <span>describe an image of hope that is similar to hip-hop. The answer would be option A.
19. The q</span><span>uote from “Borders” that best describes the reason the mother and son slept in their car is this: </span><span>“When she was still at home, Laetitia would go on and on about Salt Lake City.” The answer would be option C. </span>
If everyone were the same, we could be compared to robots. No one would be able to/ want to stand out from the crowd, which would prevent advancements in things like medicine, technology, and science/art in general. No one would be special, so you could argue that nothing would make you significant. If everyone were the same, we would all live to die, because what else would there be to do.
it means your friend is crazy