Dear, (whom you are writing to)
I wish to complain about ____ (name of product or service, with serial number or account number) that I purchased on ____ (date and location of transaction). I am complaining because ____ (the reason you are dissatisfied). To resolve this problem I would like you to ____ (what you want the business to do).
Hope this is helpful.
what's the poem?
also : Both blank verse and free verse are free from rhyme scheme. But, whereas blank verse does have a consistent meter, usually iambic pentameter, that creates a du-DUM rhythm effect, free verse is free from both meter and rhyme. It is free from the limitations of verse poetry.
Because you will be more likely to procasinate and want to fall asleep
Raising taxes and issuing war bonds were two primary ways the United States financed the country's involvement in World War 2. The government also engaged in deficit spending
it is the saddest amongst all