B) A graphic that displays a country's population broken down by age group and gender
A population pyramid shows a country's population displayed by age group and gender. When the data is put together and stacked one on top of another, it displays a pyramid.
Answer with Explanation:
The amount of groundwater that can be stored will largely depend on the <em>"soil's permeability." </em>A permeable soil means that <u>it is easy for water to pass through the pores.</u> It has<em> </em><em>larger pores that are well-connected to each other</em> thereby allowing water to flow freely. This also allows the water to pass through the rocks, which then <u>increases its </u><u>porosity</u>. This also leads to an easier way to extract the groundwater.
the North Pole
The point furthest north on Earth is the North Pole. The point opposite to the North Pole is the southernmost point, the South Pole. The North Pole is located in the central part of the Arctic Sea. These points are very important as the parallel and meridians are orientated in accordance to them, with every meridian passing through them, while the prime parallel, the Equator is set right in the middle between the two.