explicitly expressly rejected the proposal
If you say something expressly, you say it in a clear way, so that your meaning cannot be doubted:
Um... is there a question?
limit funding for executive activities
reject presidential nominees
The principle of checks and balances within the three arms of government; Judiciary, Legislature and Executive was created so that no arm of the government would have too much power and each arm of government can check and balance each other.
This created what is called separation of powers and in this, the executive can limit some powers of the judiciary, or legislature, and vice versa.
Some of the roles of the legislature in checking the power of the executive branch include limit funding for executive activities and rejection of presidential nominees.
1. Did Sergeant Brown congratulate Ms. Jones on her promotion?
2. A new musical plan was developed by Professor Harmon and Mrs. Smith. Students told Ms. Green how much fun it was, and that they wanted to show Mr. Samson how well they could perform.
3. During intermission, Pres. Green introduced Mr. Jim Oliver to the audience.
4. Did Principal Ruiz invite Mayor Johnson to the graduation ceremony, or did Reverend Robinson send the invitation?
5. Officer Hurst stood when Judge Williams entered the courtroom. Sheriff Brown also stood when the judge entered the room.
Subheadings give the reader an idea of what will be discussed in the section. For example, 'How Did WWII Shape Daily Life?' This subheading shows the reader that it will be about how WWII changed the daily lives of people. By the end of the section, the reader should have a firm answer to the question.