It is a holy month of worship, improving yourself, not making sins, and fasting. Ramadan is a very special month and teaches us how to care for other people by also giving zakat, and caring for ourselves. We become closer to Allah as well.
I am muslim myself, so I wrote this out of knowledge.
<u>Nonfiction</u> content is the one whose creator assumes full responsibility for the accuracy or truth of the events or information presented.
A sitcom on television is the option that cannot be considered an example of nonfiction.
On the other hand, these are all examples on nonfiction:
- a speech during the Academy Awards;
- a magazine containing beauty tips;
- a lecture by your instructor.
You are a cake because no matter how sad I am, you are always there for my birthday.
That's all I can think of
Victor sees the monster while exploring the mountains.