This question refers to the story "The Yellow Wallpaper." In this story, we meet a woman who is sick, according to her husband. He is a doctor, and the treatment that he suggests for her is complete rest and relaxation, which eventually leads her to insanity.
When the narrator repeateadly laments "what can we do?" we get a glimpse of her passivity and the way in which she defers all decisions to her husband. Other aspects of the personality of this woman are the fact that she considers her husband to know best, even though she disagrees with the treatment and is mad at the possibility of receiving it. The woman appears to be conflicted in her emotions because she outwardly seems to really value her husband's opinion, and appears to be ready to listen to everything he says. At the same time, she appears to be mad about his behaviour and hold some resentment towards him or their marriage.
The Igorots have both priests and priestesses, and they perform many public and private ceremonies, both for the benefit of the great deities and for the countless minor spirits which inhabit the sacred mountains, cliffs, groves, trees, and bushes that are scattered throughout the Igorot country.
1 A: "Where did you go to on holidays?"
2 B: "We go to the Czech Republic."
3 A: "Do you stay in Prague?"
4 B: "No we did not. We rented an apartment in the mountains."
5 A: "Is it nice?"
6 B: "Yes, it will be. We will have a great time."
7 A: "What will you do?"
8 B: "We did not do much. We read. We swam in the lake- we just relaxed."
9 A: "Did you like the food?"
10 B: "Yes we loved it! We eat out a lot."
11 A: "How long will you be there?"
12 B: "Two weeks. We arrived back yesterday."
character at the beginning of the reason was he was mean.
At the end of the story, Scrooge had Christmas spirit and was jolly and kind!