Explanation: There are two ways an author can support a viewpoint. One way is by choosing words carefully. This is done by <u>denotation</u> or <u>connotation</u>. <u>Denotations</u>, or meanings, and strong <u>connotations</u>, or emotional associations, can help convey a viewpoint.
<u>Denotations</u>: mean the exact meaning of the word used.
Ex. Word used: Isolated
Denotation word: separated
<u>Connotations</u>: mean a word with emotional associations.
Connotation - an emotional or cultural association they carry.
Depending on the type of emotion a word evokes in a person, its connotation can be negative, neutral, or positive.
The words <em>most, property, </em>and <em>exclaimed </em>are neutral. <em>Suffered</em> is the only one that has a negative connotation. When someone suffers (something), we know that something bad happened to them.
Answer: Lady Macbeth believes her husband deserves to be king and wants her husband to act on the witches' prophecy. She also feels she is more ruthless than her husband and she will have to convince and encourage Macbeth to act.