Why do humans waste time? We all do it. We put off tasks we see as boring or procrastinate to avoid having to complete a task. We waste time by over thinking about situations when they require a split second decision. But is this really wasting time? Some situations require a little over thinking so could it be deemed un-nescassary to ponder over other options. You could save money, time and effort by just wondering about a simple 'what if?'. This brings up the question - is wasting time really a waste?
She wouldnt know if she was getting robbed or if there was a fire or anything dangerous outside or in her house if she uses the powerful earplugs.
Like a starving beast, the fire consumed the forest.
There is use of figurative language here indicated by the phrase starving beast. Fire is compared to a starving beast by use of simile.
The correct answer is b.
Hardly, as an adverb means "just", hardly, in this context is acting as a limiting modifier of the word ever. <em>Hardly ever</em> means very occasionally. We may use words like it to emphasize how infrequently an action takes place. You should note also that there could be other ways to give quite the same meaning, like when you use <em>rarely</em> or <em>seldom</em>, but, hardly ever has also a <u>negative</u> connotation.