According to the Christian worldview, God, the creator is mighty and powerful over all things in the universe. He is the judge and provider of things including life and also is the ruler over all his created beings. His creation are supposed to live in his footsteps, for they were made "in his own image".
A Christian worldview is the perspective of an individual or even a group of people based on their beliefs about life and everything from the Bible. This worldview is primarily focused on the viewpoints based off the biblical source.
According to the Christians, the Creator which is God, is the master of all and the source/ beginning and end of all things on earth and the whole universe. They believe that he is the source and solution of life, the giver and taker of life. He is also the judge, savior and also the sustainer of a person's life.
Another belief of the Christians is the oneness of the Father, the Almighty living God and the Son, Jesus Christ. The believers are taught to address God as "Our Father" in the Lord's Prayer. This direct relation of the believers and God is possible through the belief of the Son who was crucified on the cross for the salvation of everyone. So, whoever believes in the death of Jesus for the sins of the world will be able to gain eternal life, is possible through the belief of the Son who acts as the medium/ mediator for the believers to the Father, God.
The belief regarding the created beings is also another focus of the Christian worldview. Biblical sources mandate the beginning of life as being through the creation of man from mud by God, with breath from His own breath, and the woman from the ribs of a man. The beginning of life being from the garden of Eden is also scientifically contrasted by various scientists who believe in the evolution of man from monkeys/ apes.
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