Farmers want their plants to photosynthesise as much as possible in order to increase their crop rate.
Without enough light, a plant cannot photosynthesise very quickly, even if there is plenty of water and carbon dioxide. Increasing the light intensity will boost the speed of photosynthesis.
Sometimes photosynthesis is limited by the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. Even if there is plenty of light, a plant cannot photosynthesise if there is insufficient carbon dioxide.
If it gets too cold, the rate of photosynthesis will decrease. Plants cannot photosynthesise if it gets too hot.
Farmers can use their knowledge of these limiting factors to increase crop growth in greenhouses. They may use artificial light so that photosynthesis can continue beyond daylight hours, or in a higher-than-normal light intensity. The use of paraffin lamps inside a greenhouse increases the rate of photosynthesis because the burning paraffin produces carbon dioxide, and heat too.
There are three types of producers that live in estuaries: Macrophytes, which are large, multicellular algae also known as seaweed, and phytoplankton, which is the photosynthetic component of plankton consisting primarily of single celled bacteria.
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The correct answer is ''uses genetic analysis of a DNA sequence to assess evolutionary links.''
Molecular anthropology is a relatively recent branch, it refers to the study of biological phenomena (genetic study) at molecular levels, that is, biochemical, it allows us to understand and expand our knowledge about the evolution of the species and the complex phenomena of microevolution . It is closely related to other fields of anthropological study, among which we can mention primatology and genetics.Through molecular anthropology we are more aware of kinship, therefore, we can know human evolution over the centuries .
I believe that would be irritability.