<span>What groups might dispute European land claim in the west?<span>The Spanish and the French might dispute European land claims in the west.
Answer: The ancients Greeks were polytheistic — that is, they worshipped many gods. Their major gods and goddesses lived at the top of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece, and myths described their lives and actions.
Throckmorton was planning to overthrow the throne
The papers contained details of the planned French invasion. Under torture, Throckmorton confessed to his role in a plot to overthrow Elizabeth and replace her with Mary Queen of Scots. He claimed that the plot was not well advanced, mainly because Philip II had not yet provided the finance for the proposed invasion.
Plato and Aristotle are the two most important Greek philosophers. Their work has been the main focus of interest for students of philosophy and specialists.
To exercise freedom of their Christian faith.
England was one of the major Europeans that seek to colonize the New World otherwise known as America. Others include Spain, France, and the Netherlands.
However, originally the purpose of each of the European settlers was different. England or English people on one hand was initially seeking "to exercise freedom of their Christian faith."
This led to two groups coming from England known as Puritans and Pilgrims that settle down in North America.