The bald eagle and the black bear are tetrapods, which means that they both have four limbs along with the digits. This shows that they both are the descendants of the four-limbed ancestors. However, the limbs of the bear and the bald eagle have different functions. The forelimbs of both these organisms serves different purpose. Hence, their limbs are homologous organs. The homologous organs are those which have the same ancestry but the functions are different.
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Typhoid fever is most common in non-industrialized countries. Travelers to Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America are especially at risk. Salmonella typhi bacteria are shed in the urine or stool of infected persons, including chronic carriers. There are no known animal reservoirs for typhoid fever.
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A glucose dose or injection should be given to produce an increase in blood glucose . Give 10-25 g (20-50 ml of D50W — dextrose 50% in water) of glucose intravenously .
Hypoglycemia is a low blood sugar or glucose in the body below normal which is the main source of energy in the body. It is related to diabetes treatment or can be related to other drugs. Hypoglycemia needs immediate treatment when blood sugar levels are low. For some people, a fast blood sugar of 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), or 3.9 millimoles per liter (mmol/L), or below should serve as an alert for hypoglycemia. The treatment of this getting your blood sugar to normal level by taking high sugar drinks or medications.
The symptoms include, pale skin, hunger, anxiety, fatigue, sweating e.t.c.