This was the first peacetime conscription bill enacted in the USA, requiring all men between 21 and 45 to register for the draft. It was drafted before the US joined WW2, and was part of a plan for the US to be prepared if war ever did break out, as it did.
In some cases concerning child custody a governor may refuse to extradite a fugitive.
Child custody and legal guardianship are contractual terms which are used to explain the legal and practical connection between a parent or guardian and a child in that person's care, such as the right to make choices on the welfare of a child and the obligation to worry for and maintain the child.
Country borders do not relect cultural groups
"In 768 Charlemagne became king of the Franks. He fought to increase his power and territory and greatly expanded his empire. As a result, much of the original Roman empire fell under his rule. He was responsible for the creation of schools and the spread of Christianity throughout Europe.