23 hrs 56minutes and 4seconds to be precise
Insect populations can develop resistance to insecticides over time. The evolution of resistance is associated with an increase in the frequency of adaptive genes in the population.
- In the case above described it is expected that a few mosquitoes in the population were resistant to DDT before it was ever used (Option a is correct).
- Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is a pesticide used in agriculture.
- After exposure to DDT, those individuals in the mosquito population that didn't carry gene variants (i.e., alleles) associated with the resistance to this pesticide died.
- Subsequently, insects having adaptive alleles associated with DDT resistance survived and reproduced, thereby increasing the frequency of adaptive genes/alleles in the population.
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they ensure valid results
sorry im not in that level
Cellular respiration occurs in both animal and plant cells