density dependent limiting factors
a limiting factor is something that limits a population from growing such as lack of food. Its dependent because it affects many organisms not just one.
The Editor,
Navbharat Times,
New Delhi.
Dt- 27.07.18.
Subject- Use of Computer in daily life.
Through your esteemed newspaper, I want to bring into the notice the use of computers to the public in daily life. Computers can be found in each and every home, offices, schools, shops, etc today. These have made many of our work easier and systematic, such as the maintenance of accounting books are not required now, calculation is done fast and so on. Children are shown the projects related to their studies on the computer, thereby reducing the work of teachers to make projects.
In short, I would like to say,these computers are a blessing.
Thanking You,
Your’s faithfully,
Krishiv Sharma.
You should never avoid your listiners they might have something important to say that could go along with he or shes evidence you don't know what your talking about
Well, this is kinda a question for you, so just write from the heart. What are your plans after high school? Are you planning to get a part-time job while you maintain college classes, or are you going to take on the family business? Are you planning to get married, have kids, and then go to law school in the future? There is no right or wrong answer. It's up to you.