Las técnicas moleculares, especialmente aquellas basadas en la manipulación del material genético, permitieron automatizar el proceso de identificación y clasificación de especies
Las técnicas moleculares usadas para la clasificación de organismos son aquellas principalmente relacionadas a la manipulación de su material genético. En especial, las técnicas de extracción de ADN, amplificación mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) y posterior secuenciación han posibilitado automatizar el proceso de clasificación de organismos. Los marcadores moleculares de ADN basados en secuencias génicas evolutivamente conservadas tales como, por ejemplo, la secuencia del gen Citocromo Oxidasa I (COI) en animales, son ampliamente usados para automatizar este proceso de identificación y clasificación de nuevas especies.
B.) A dog walks to a stream and drinks when it gets thirsty
would have to be your answer..
Hemoglobin is contained in red blood cells,which efficiently carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body. It also helps in the transportation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions back to the lungs.
Fraternal twins can be different genders because they are two completely different eggs getting fertilized; but even two same gender fraternal twins do not look completely alike. Whereas for identical twins since one egg is splitting into two, the two cells have the same exact DNA make up and chromosomes.
I also believe the technical part of it is to do with genetics, like ressesive and dominant genes, because they can be the same gender, ex. both girls and one has blue eyes, fair skin, and blonde hair, the other twin has brown eyes, black hair and tan skin. The parents could be part of the genes but there is also grandparents maybe the mom's mom has blonde hair and blue eyes, with fair skin. But the dad he has brown eyes, black hair and tan skin. The moms genes were recessive, but the grandma's genes were dominant.
I tried to explain it as best as I could I hope it helps!
Low power objective shows more field of view but does not give appreciable details about the view.
- In the root tip of onions, the cell walls are distinctly visible and they are arranged in a rectangular mosaic pattern.
- The nucleus stands out appreciably and it is tiny.
- The cytoplasm is also visible.
- Root cells do not have chloroplast since they do not take part in photosynthesis.
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Onion cell