France helped Serbia and Russia in WWI
Civil disobedience-- Martin Luther King Jr. used civil disobedience learned from men like Gandhi, Thoreau, and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The method of civil disobedience uses boycotting, sit-ins, and non-violent protest. Martin Luther King Jr. organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott which was a boycott of the bus system started with Rosa Parks disobedience on segregated buses. It effectively attacked large economic systems which created change due to loss of income.
andrew ; went to tell his brother about Jesus
james ; john's brother who left his fishing to become a fisher of men
jude ; was referred to twice by luke as the brother of james
peter ; Jesus changed his name to his
john ; son of zebedee and the "beloved disciple"
thomas ; expected the worst to happen
judas ; a traitor
philip ; from bethsaida , went to tell his friend about Jesus
matthew ; tax collector , a publican
simon ; the Zealot