The statistic in this excerpt supports the idea that humans are not the only one responsible for climate change. There is a counter position about the exclusive responsibility of the human being towards this.
According to the excerpt, no scientific body that is considered serious in their investigations, can accept the responsibility from other factors than the human emissions of greenhouse gases.
A report written in the New York Times statrs that
…<em>”The global, long-term warming trend is “unambiguous,” it says, and there is “no convincing alternative explanation” that anything other than humans — the cars we drive, the power plants we operate, the forests we destroy — are to blame….”
<em>…”Scientists said the report’s findings were clear.
<em>“This new report simply confirms what we already knew. Human-caused climate change isn’t just a theory, it’s reality,”…
This means that, there is not a doubt that humans are the responsible for the global warming and its negative effect over the earth.
They both use technology to change the lives of the main characters
linking verb. a linking verb expresses a state of being, and "looks" expresses the weather as "cold and dreary".
<span>full rhyme: a rhyme where the stressed vowels and all the following consonants and vowels are identical, but the consonants coming before the rhyming vowels are different (such as </span><span>chain, brain / soul, <span>pole)
slant rhyme: </span></span><span>a </span>rhyme<span> with the stressed syllables of ending consonants match, but the preceding vowel sounds don't match...the words have similar but not identical sounds. they are "imperfect rhymes" as you might say. (such as short, hurt / heaven, even, given)
meter: rhythmic structure of the verses in a poem</span><span>
breve: a curved mark over a vowel meaning it's too could also mean a double whole note, if that's what you're asking for.