sustancia formada por dos o más componentes unidos, pero no combinados químicamente. Las mezclas homogéneas no se pueden diferenciar a simple vista. Se conocen como soluciones que contienen un soluto y un solvente; por ejemplo, la sal mezclada con agua
1. What is a longitudinal wave?
- A wave vibrating in the direction of propagation
- This is also called "pressure waves"
- Example: Sound waves, ultrasound waves
2. When you hear a sound wave through the air, what are you detecting?
We are detecting the sound wave through the ears. There is a part called ear drum present inside the ear and it turn contains 3 bones which makes us to hear the sounds. When sound waves enters, the ear drum vibrates.
3. In which direction does the material vibrate, as energy travels through it?
The direction is perpendicular to the direction of energy transport.
4. When a wave transmits, or transfers, energy, do the individual molecules or particles also move from one end to the other?
Yes, the particles move from one end to other.