To reserve something is to set aside
Ex: "I reserved that hotel room."
A parlour is usually a sitting room or a small living room that is located between the entrance and the main part of the house or building. In some instances, a parlour can be larger and serve as a sort of tea room.
Inviting a guest into the parlour was a kind gesture and meant that they were officially a guest in the house.
The most valuable resource that we as living beings have is "Time". Everyone has a very finite amount of time to live our lives. This makes every second incredibly valuable. Being able to travel larger and larger distances faster than ever before gives us the gift of time (in a way) by allowing us to spend less time travelling and/or waiting to get to our destinations. This makes travelling at faster speeds invaluable and the process of achieving this a great use of our time.
General Zaroff avoids the trap Rainsford sets.