The Council of Trent were several gatherings that took place between 1545 and 1563 and involved the Catholic church main representatives and those from European nations that had stood under its influence. Its principal result was the start of the Counter Reformation against Luther's Reformation and against the emergence of protestantism.
From the point of view of the faith, the council defined the teachings of the supporters of protestantism as heresies, and issued certain clarifications to the doctrines of the Catholic church.
On June 1914 group of six Austrians gather to assassinate Archduck but failed. The reaction among the people in Australia was mild and indifferent. This was the trigger to World War I. Russia declared mobilization in a month. Germany declare war on Russia a month later in August. While Japan entered the war on the side of allies on 23August. France began full mobilization on 1 August and on 3 August Germany declared war on France. Belgium and Luxembourg dead soon without struggle.
here is a long answer
Change champions are individuals within an organization that volunteer or are selected to facilitate change. The champion is an active member within the change management project during all of its stages (Thompson, Estabrooks & Degner, 2004).
Suburban sprawl is tremendously expensive to the economy as a whole. Infrastructure and critical services such as water and energy can be delivered at a cost that is 2.5 times higher in the suburbs than in dense metropolitan areas.
The treaty of Versailles was a bad idea. It benefited countries like Britain, France and America as they where the top powers to come out of the war. It blamed all of the damages caused to their countries squarely on the Germans simply because Germany was the best target. The German where forced to surrender all their foreign lands. They where forbidden from entering the Rhineland. They where forbidden from uniting with Austria. They where forced to pay reparations to the winning side after the war, leaving the German people and the Wiemar republic in poverty! If it wasn't for all these terms suppressing Germany, Hitler would never pushed the boundaries of the treaty, the Nazi's where unlikely to ever rise to such power as they where elected as a last hope when Germany lost faith in democracy and therefore Britain would not have had to declare war on Germany for taking over Poland and Slovakia, entering the Rhine and uniting with Austria. It is often said that WW1 was just a build up to world war two, as if it wasn't for the treaty of versailles none of this was ever going to or even had a possibility f happening.