If you take a plane, I'll say it's about 8 hours. I'm not 100 accurate but it should be around that time.
Answer: water
For food digestion for humans we don’t use the sun, or warm temperatures, or transpiration.
We use water to help with digestions
Answer: water
<em>The Minerals Management Service (MMS)</em>
In 2010 Deepwater Horizon project exploded and killed 11 people causing also the largest oil spill in US history.
The MMS was the federal agency responsible for overseeing offshore drilling, however, they had received financial favors (bribes) from oil companies and had a severe conflict of interest, they ignored science and underestimated environmental impacts in order to ensure the speedy approval of oil industry projects among other acts of negligence. The MMS was in part responsible for this event, or at the very least for not handling correctly.
<u><em>China financed a large new fleet sent out to trade and build contacts under the command of Zheng He.</em></u>
Answer: Option C
- Ming dynasty is the one and only first Chinese dynasty that showed interest in trading with other countries. Zheng He was a great sea explorer who is also a fleet commander.
- He established trades with many foreign countries. He served under the third Emperor Yongle whose reign was between 1402 to 1424. He built big ships (some families can live in) also named them as Junk to travel in the sea.
- That made the Ming Dynasty earn more money. Ming Dynasty was interested only trading with Portuguese and Spain but most of the Europeans wanted to trade wit Asia for spices and teas.
- When Yongle died the funding for the travel was stopped and that was the end of the Ming Dynasty's International trade through seas.