The process of protein synthesis involves two steps such as transcription and translation. In the process of transcription the encoded information in the DNA is transcripts or encoded into messenger RNA or mRNA inside the nucleus. This mRNA then comes out of the nucleus to the cytoplasm. In the process of translation the mRNA molecule attach with the ribosomes and tRNA molecules to synthesise the protein.
hydrogen, helium and lithium
It took 380,000 years for the electrons to be trapped in orbits nuclei forming the first atoms. (which is option B)
Cell wall, Vacule, Plastids
Large ecosystems always have higher biodiversity than smaller ecosystems. A large area of a forest will likely have higher biodiversity than a smaller area of a small area and small ecosystems always have low biodiversity.
Sunlight is important in my life because you need it if you have a plant and you want to take care of the plant.Postive effects of sunlight is Sun water and needing health