archaea:they live in water area and usually eat some plants
bacteria:the germs that are in the air
eukarya:it is an animal well better said any animal because it has a cell membrane and nucleus to protect the cell
<em>There are innermost serious membranes that cover the heart is Parietal Pericardium.</em>
Heart is <em>covered by pericardium</em> in two sides, inner and outer sides. The inner membrane is parietal pericardium and the outer one is visceral pericardium. Pericardium is made up of <em>fiber tissues</em> that strongly protect the heart from all around.
The<em> main function of pericardium</em> is to protect the heart from any injuries and prevent the infections. The serious pericardium helps in<em> lubricating the heart. </em>
If a p53 gene is defective it may cause cell cycle to stop functioning normally. Without this cell cycle check, cells will divide continuosly creating many chromosomal damage.
celenterato è un animale invertebrato acquatico di un phylum che comprende meduse, coralli e anemoni di mare. Di solito hanno un corpo a forma di tubo o di coppa con una sola apertura circondata da tentacoli che recano cellule pungenti.