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Dialogue between grandparents and students discussing about junk food.
Dialogue is a conversation or communication between two or more people. When a discussion about a junk food takes place, the dialogue between grandparents and students would be something like this.
Grandparent: We came to know from your parents and teachers that these days you consume a lot of junk foods.
One Student: Yes granny. We do! What’s the harm? Such foods are very delicious after all.
Grandparent: Of course they are. But do you know, such foods are considered very unhealthy.
Another Student: Unhealthy! How can such mouthwatering foods be unhealthy?
Grandparent: Consuming junk food once in a week is not the problem. But consuming too much of such foods everyday can lead to serious health issues.
Another Grandparent: Yes, and the preparation method of such food is also different and not that good and healthy as compared to homemade cooked foods. So we advice you not to eat up junk food. They may taste delicious, but not every mouthwatering foods are tasty and healthy. You got that?
Students: Yessss Granny.
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D, money does not bring as much happiness as friendship. Also, SINCE WHEN HAS BACCHUS BEEN MERCIFUL?!
The correct answer is C. The cultural beliefs of the characters. Cultural beliefs are always related to a certain period in time and keep changing. This is why we can find out what the historical context is by analyzing what the society values. The other answers are mostly universal.