In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet fit the literary archetype of star-crossed lovers as:
They are in love, they are doomed from the start, and their families would be upset if they knew Romeo and Juliet were in love.
The fate of Romeo and Juliet had a tragic ending because of the rivalry among the families. They became the victim of the rivalry which they have never been a part of. Misunderstandings, miscommunications and bad luck bring a tragic feel to the play. The audience feels pity for the couple who sacrificed their lives for true love.
Correct me if I am wrong
The influence of the arts.
It's is a first-person point of view.
Identifying the first-person point of view is quite easy, especially if compared to identifying the many types of third-person ones. A narrative done from a first-person perspective will used first-person pronouns ("I" and "we"), since the narrator also takes part in the story. In third-person narratives, first-person pronouns can be used in lines said by the characters, but not by the narrator. It's worth mentioning that first-person narrators cannot be fully trusted. Their story will be permeated by their own feelings and biases.
As we can see in the passage we are studying here, the perspective is a first-person one. Notice the use of the pronoun "we":
There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning...
I'm pretty sure that making yourself a smaller target would be the best choice in this situation, but making a defensive group might also be better.