Ummmh Verify means Confirm
Because the verify is very common word and surely it could be confirm
Decompression sickness
Nitrogen narcosis
Rapid air consumption
Sea divers can not dive beyond 600 meters from the surface of the sea because of the following :
Decompression sickness
Nitrogen narcosis
Rapid air consumption.
Deep Diving is any dive that is deeper than 20 meters which is 60 feet. However, we there are diverse kinds of diving which gives deep diving its own distinct definition.
In Recreational diving, the maximum depth limit to go is 40 meters which is equivalent to 130 feet
In technical diving, any dive deeper than 60 meters which is equivalent to 200 feet is known as a deep dive.
Decompression sickness : When a diver dive, the air breathe composed of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases. The body uses the oxygen but nitrogen is subsequently released over time since our body does not usually need it. So when pressure suddenly decline or drops, the nitrogen gas which is in the body expands and develops into bubbles. These bubbles are mostly trapped in the joints causing severe pain which is called decompression sickness.
Nitrogen narcosis is experienced when you accumulate too much of nitrogen. The first sign are tingling of the fingers, dizziness and disorientation. It also affects the sight by experiencing a tunnel vision this caused difficulties in reading gauges and instruments. The deeper you dive, the greater the effect of nitrogen narcosis experienced.
Rapid air consumption : The air breathe will become denser as you go deeper due to increasing pressure. Which will subsequently leads to consumption of more air while deep diving as compared to diving at shallower depths
William Sakespeare was married at 18 to Anne Hathaway, who was 26 at the time.
Rats will fight eachother whenever especially for food and/or mating.
Escuche a un alumno explicar el proceso de reciclaje. Coloque las instrucciones (a-g) en el orden correcto (1-7).
A. Desde el centro de reciclaje, los materiales reciclados van a las fábricas, donde los utilizan para fabricar nuevos productos.
B. Lo primero que debe hacer es asegurarse de separar correctamente la basura en casa.
C. Luego, compras los productos elaborados con materiales reciclados.
D. continuación, la empresa de reciclaje vacía los contenedores y lo lleva todo a un centro de reciclaje ...
E. Finalmente, el proceso comienza de nuevo: su basura se puede reciclar con frecuencia ..
F. La segunda cosa que debe hacer es poner la basura separada en los contenedores de reciclaje adecuados para su recolección.
G. Después de eso, los nuevos productos van a las tiendas.