Es la unica que parece tiene más sentido, ya que el teatro Kabuki, al parecer, aprovecha todo el esenario para interpretar la obra; por lo que no tiene un fondo en si, todo el teatro es su espacio.
Si me lo pregustas a mi, te diria que ninguna es correcta, es solo por si necesitas marcar una sola respuesta.
Answer: ALright but are you sure?
one and a half beats
Can you please try to answer my most recent question???
Gaslights allowed directors and producers to use lighting for artistic effect and helped to create the roles of set designers and lighting technicians.
Gaslight is a type of lamp in which a jet of burning gas heats an incandescent mantle. The statement reflects the most important impact of gaslights on the theater in 19th century America is stated as follows:
Gaslights allowed directors and producers to use lighting for artistic effect and helped to create the roles of set designers and lighting technicians.
I think it can be considered as a popular music.
the song is liseted all around the world. Also, it has been nominated in various awards and charts. And generally its a song written by a famous band.