well try talking to your parents and ask them why they don't want him
I had 1 dog and I got another without my parents knowing and they said they didn't want him I told them it was for my other dog so he had company and he didn't feel alone and after sometime arguing with them (mostly my mom) they said yes but I had to clean and feed him basically do everything and I told them yea I already know
The painting is called the Last Supper and it is by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles, as it is told in the Gospel of John, 13:21. Leonardo has depicted the consternation that occurred among the Twelve Apostles when Jesus announced that one of them would betray him.
Tatum O'Neal was the youngest actress to win an academy award. (Oscar winner: Best Supporting Actress. Age ten. Addie in Paper Moon. 1973 film.)
The buffalo nickel was minted 1913-1938.
Vienna is the capital of Austria.
According to Yahoos top answer for this exact question, it can be seen from the Pergamon Museum, in Berlin Germany. backs this up. the total of the article is "Babylon to Berlin and beyond: the Ishtar gate in the pergamon museum and around the world" It comments on the "striking reconstruction" of the wall.
Totally would check out the second site for more info!
Sure I can help you if you really think about it all of it means just ANB