Answer: Please refer to:
primary sources:
- Congressional Record, Daily Digest of Senate
Committee Meetings
- the ship’s logbook of explorer Vasco da Gama,
- the autobiography My Early Life by Winston
- The Letters of John and Abigail Adams, Penguin
Classics, 2003
secondary sources:
-The American Senate: An Insider’s History by
Neil McNeil and Richard A. Baker
- the PBS documentary John and Abigail
-Churchill The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill by
William Manchester and Paul Reid
-an article about the age of exploration in
Smithsonian magazine
Not sure but hope it helps.
intelectual de algunos de los más grandes líderes de este país ... UNIDOS contiene las leyes fundamentales de la nación. Establece la forma del gobier- ... un nuevo plan de gobierno: la Constitución de los Estados. Unidos. ... de los Estados Unidos y que hasta el límite de mis Capacidades guardaré, protegeré y defenderé.
The correct answer is B. The Nuremberg trials made every person involved in war crimes and genocide accountable for their actions during war time. The excuse of “ just following orders” could no longer be used to defend one’s actions in war.
The answer is: true! Jefferson and Burr were both candidates from the Democratic-Republican Party. This election took place prior to the institution of primaries and thus both Jefferson and Burr went up against the incumbent, John Adams, and Charles Pinckney. At this time, whoever secured the most electoral votes would win and whoever came in second would serve as the Vice President.
This election took place prior to the passage of the 12th Amendment and thus electors within the Electoral College were able to cast <em>two </em>votes. A plan was hatched to ensure that Jefferson won one more electoral vote than Burr, but the plan was botched. The election then went to the House of Representatives where it was finally decided that Jefferson be president and Burr his vice president.
Answer: Fall of the berlin wall, War for Oil, Vietnam conflict, and Moon landing